Tuesday, November 24, 2009

AMA Recap: J.Lo about Fall "I Meant To Do That" (Riiiiiiight)

On Sunday Night, I watched the AMAs and I must say, I was truly impressed. With all the scandal, falls and misses, it was just so entertaining (P.S. Check out my Twitter to see the play by play on what I thought about the show!)
One of the many scandal that went down was when Jennifer Lopez BUSTED HER ASS during her performance of her new, lackluster song "Louboutins."
According to YBF.com, the morning after the AMAs, Jennifer tried to cover it up like nothing happenedby saying during her interview:
“Did I trip a little bit? I don’t even remember. Yeah, I meant to do that. That was part of the choreography.”

“The measure of things isn’t what happens when you fall, it’s how you recover when you fall. It was fun, it was really fun. It was nice to be back on stage and doing my thing.”

Now , Jenn, honey, darling, dear.... YOU KNOW DAMN WELL YOU DIDN'T MEAN TO FALL!! I mean look on the bright side, at least the fall gave an entertaining aspect to your lackluster performance. You had a good concept, BUT we know you can do better than that. I am not hating on you, I am trying to help out my fellow NY chica. So, you get back up and try again!

This time, no jumping :-)



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