Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturdazze: Sex And The Trail Of The Recent Grad

Hola Mis Amores!!!!

Today, I took a wonderful personal day to sit down and reflect on life, my goals and what bottle of wine I should crack (that could be a daunting task!).

During this time, I watched almost four hours straight of the hit HBO series, "Sex in The City." I blame my HBO On Demand for making sit and watch Seasons 1-3 of the sexy series. As I am watching Carrie and the girls tackle the mean streets of NYC, I begin to think about my life and what I am going through (I tend to do that) and I wonder why my "NY" doesn't look like that? Lord knows if I could run around NYC, go to all the fabulous events in my Jimmy's and Loubitons and have amazing sex at any point of the day, life would be grand without a care in the world.

As a young NY chica, the life of Carrie Bradshaw is what many would want but only few ( if not no one) can live in that fantasy. So, I propose a fabulous comprise. As the old saying goes, "life is what you make it," right?

Therefore, why can't I not take a few ideas from this young lady's world and make it fit into my recent college grad, broke as a church mouse,job hunting, PMS, dealing with my insecurities world. Therefore, for the Summer I will showcase a series known as "Sex and The Trails Of The Recent Grad". During this summer, I will go on a quest to find happiness and satisfaction in all parts of my life and share it with you all.

I will hit up some of NY's fabulous events, explore the daily life of some everyday women and bring to you how you too can achieve your "Carrie Bradshaw" life in the comforts of your own city.

So come take a journey with me this summer.

Hey, you might get a great orgasm along the way like Samantha would, wink wink!

Later days my crazy loves :-)  



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